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- #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
- // This example is a bit silly, but you get the idea
- TEST_CASE("sf::RenderWindow", "[renderwindow]") {
- sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
- REQUIRE(window.getSize().x == 200);
- REQUIRE(window.getSize().y == 200);
- sf::CircleShape shape(window.getSize().x/2);
- shape.setFillColor(sf::Color::White);
- REQUIRE(shape.getRadius() == 100.0f);
- REQUIRE(shape.getFillColor() == sf::Color::White);
- REQUIRE(static_cast<int>(shape.getLocalBounds().width) == 198); // 🤔
- REQUIRE(static_cast<int>(shape.getLocalBounds().height) == 200);
- sf::Texture shapeTexture;
- shapeTexture.loadFromFile("content/sfml.png");
- shape.setTexture(&shapeTexture);
- REQUIRE(shapeTexture.getSize().x == 256);
- REQUIRE(shapeTexture.getSize().y == 256);
- REQUIRE(shape.getTexture() == &shapeTexture);
- // Show the RenderWindow once
- window.clear();
- window.draw(shape);
- window.display();
- REQUIRE(window.isOpen() == true);
- }