# ------------------------------------------------ # Imports # ------------------------------------------------ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime import os import json import re import sys, getopt # ------------------------------------------------ # Globals # ------------------------------------------------ DATA_PATH = './data/' MONTH_MODE = False MONTH = None OTHER_LABEL = 'Les Autres' # JSON tags PARTICIPANTS = 'participants' MESSAGES = 'messages' NAME = 'name' CONTENT = 'content' TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp_ms' SENDER = 'sender_name' HELP = """General options : -h, --help Consulter l'aide --path=<path> Redéfinir le chemin d'accès aux données (par défaut ./data) --month <mm/yyyy> """ # ------------------------------------------------ # Functions # ------------------------------------------------ def printHelp(): print('Usage:\n '+os.path.basename(__file__)+' <command> [option]\n') print(HELP) sys.exit(2) def handleArguments(argv): global MONTH_MODE global MONTH try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'h',['help','path=', 'month=']) except getopt.GetoptError: printHelp() for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): print(HELP) sys.exit() elif opt in ('--path'): DATA_PATH = arg elif opt in ('--month'): MONTH_MODE = True try: t = arg.split("/") int(t[0]) int(t[1]) MONTH = t except: printHelp() def readBrokenFbJson(datafile_path): # ntm facebook # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50008296/facebook-json-badly-encoded with open(datafile_path, 'rb') as data_file: binary_data = data_file.read() replace_func = lambda m: bytes.fromhex(m.group(1).decode()) pattern = rb'\\u00([\da-f]{2})' repaired = re.sub(pattern, replace_func, binary_data) return json.loads(repaired.decode('utf8')) def computeData(): # Tous les fichiers du dossier sont traités sans distinction datafiles_path = [DATA_PATH + filename for filename in os.listdir(DATA_PATH)] messages, participants = [], [] for datafile_path in datafiles_path: datacontent = readBrokenFbJson(datafile_path) if datacontent is None : continue participants += datacontent[PARTICIPANTS] messages += datacontent[MESSAGES] participants = cleanParticipants(participants) messages = cleanMessages(messages) return participants, messages def cleanParticipants(rawParticipants): return set([participant[NAME] for participant in rawParticipants]) def cleanMessages(rawMessages): if MONTH_MODE: cleanMessages = [ message for message in rawMessages if \ CONTENT in message and \ datetime.fromtimestamp(message[TIMESTAMP]/1000).month == int(MONTH[0]) and \ datetime.fromtimestamp(message[TIMESTAMP]/1000).year == int(MONTH[1]) ] else: cleanMessages = [message for message in rawMessages if CONTENT in message] return sorted(cleanMessages, key = lambda x: x[TIMESTAMP]) # TODO tester l'approche en recherche incrémentale # Jeu de données du 14/10/2021. 33679 messages conservés # pour un compte final de 34120. Soit une perte estimée à 1.3% def filterMessages(messages): return [msg for msg in messages if re.search('(\d{2,}|^\d$)', msg[CONTENT])] def computeParticipation(messages): result = {} for message in messages: sender = message[SENDER] countParticipation(result, sender, message) return sorted(result.items(), key = lambda x: x[1]) def countParticipation(participations, sender, message): participations[sender] = participations[sender] + 1 if sender in participations else 1 def mergeSmallParticipation(rawParticipation, threshold = 1): values = [e[1] for e in rawParticipation] labels = [e[0] for e in rawParticipation] totalValues = sum(values) idx = 0 for idx, value in enumerate(values): if 100 * value / totalValues >= threshold: break return [sum(values[0:idx])] + values[idx:], [OTHER_LABEL] + labels[idx:] def displayParticipation(participation): values, labels = mergeSmallParticipation(participation) plt.figure(figsize=(8,7), tight_layout = True) plt.pie(values, startangle = 90, counterclock = False, labels = labels, rotatelabels = True) plt.show() def consoleDisplay(participations): for participation in participations: print(participation) # ------------------------------------------------ # Main Code # ------------------------------------------------ def main(argv): handleArguments(argv) participants, messages = computeData() messages = filterMessages(messages) participation = computeParticipation(messages) consoleDisplay(participation) displayParticipation(participation) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])